VMware over NFS?
Nick Triantos of NetApp blogs about blocks-based storage protocols and the NetApp perspective. In as much as I am a public face of NFS zealotry for NetApp, Nick as assumed a similar role for NetApp's blocks protocols. I've been busy with the NFS track (more in another post coming up) at the SNIA conference this week, but just read Nick's blog post about using NFS over VMware, where he makes a strong case for using VMware over NFS.
There is also a presentation at VMworld from Peter Learmonth and Kim Weller of NetApp, and Bud James of BEA that delves more deeply into this notion. The presentation is password protected, but the web page that presented the link to the presentation also provided this password information:
Search for Learmonth in the Speaker Name field.
The actual presentation will be Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at the Moscone convention center in San Francisco.
There is also a presentation at VMworld from Peter Learmonth and Kim Weller of NetApp, and Bud James of BEA that delves more deeply into this notion. The presentation is password protected, but the web page that presented the link to the presentation also provided this password information:
user name: cbv_repIf the link and password don't work, you can get to the presentation by:
password: cbvfor9v9r
Search for Learmonth in the Speaker Name field.
The actual presentation will be Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at the Moscone convention center in San Francisco.